Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Path to Excellence...

The path to excellence ALWAYS includes dealing with weaknesses.

Dan Rockwell @Leadershipfreak tweeted that today.  That's what I'm trying to confront here in this blog: my own weaknesses.  They've hampered me long enough.  I also am afraid perhaps some have looked at me as arrogant this past year. I do NOT want that to happen, so when coaching, I need to remember some of these suggestions (also in the same blog post by Dan Rockwell, found here).  I especially like #10:

10 ways to deal with weaknesses in others:

  1. Strengthen weaknesses when they become hindrances to strengths. Let go the rest.
  2. Clearly identify the path forward in behavioral terms. “You need to improve your time management,” doesn’t help.
  3. Provide models so they can see the behavior in action.
  4. Meet frequently to discuss progress, at least once a week. If a weaknesses is important enough to point out, then deal with it aggressively.
  5. Explore ways they can adopt the behaviors of others and remain authentic.
  6. Tie progress to their career goals. Improving a weakness is about what’s good for them. Don’t let it feel like punishment.
  7. Deal with the issue and move on. Don’t keep bringing it up.
  8. Accept that they may never be great at what they were weak at.
  9. Minimize the negative impact of their weakness by creating compensating-connections. I’ll never be as good at making lists as one of my friends. Rather than struggling to make lists, I just call him. It’s easy for him, but hard for me.
  10. Keep people in their sweetspot as much as possible.
Frustration with teammates who struggle with issues where you’re strong is intolerant arrogance.
Humility honors others, works to enable, models the way, and adjusts roles.

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